

ISBN: 9780868197463
Author: David Williamson
Publication Date: 22/06/2004
Edition: Standard
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 96pp.
Availability: Available
Cast Info: 2F , 3M


In a moment of glory at the 1968 Olympics, an Australian rowing team known as ‘The Four Amigos’ won bronze. It was lifetime bonding material.

Thirty-five years later, only two of the Amigos keep in touch. Jim is a wealthy banker with a young, beautiful wife. It seems he has it all, but his friend Dick, a heart surgeon, has something that Jim wants: a sterling reputation. The two mates and their wives meet up in Port Douglas with competing personal agendas. And then Steven, the third Amigo, turns up, ready to expose all about their past. And so the games begin…

Amigos is a savagely funny play that exposes the subtle aggression and unacknowledged dependencies of male friendship—and the angst and irritation created for those on the sidelines. Williamson observes what happens when mateship and mating collide.

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