The Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Redhead


ISBN: 9780868198064
Author: Robert Hewett
Publication Date: 2/04/2007
Edition: Standard
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 96pp.
Availability: Available as XML or eBook
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An adulterous husband, a meddlesome neighbour and a dropped ice-cream cone are among the circumstances that combine to shatter the life of suburban housewife Rhonda Russell.

Everyone has their own story to tell about the day that Rhonda went beserk in the shopping mall. And who’s to know where the truth lies? With the best friend who might have egged her on? With the husband who denies responsibility? Or with the victim’s family whose lives were changed forever? And then there’s the story of the vengeful redhead herself, but she’s probably the least likely to know what really happened.

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